Schools & Major Institutions
Representative Matters
We have extensive experience assisting schools with the acquisitional phase of school projects, as well as the unique permitting challenges of locating or expanding sites in urban areas or residential neighborhoods. We assist our clients in developing appropriate and timely outreach strategies to the surrounding community, and in collaborating with governmental agencies to formulate an entitlement strategy that is cognizant of community feedback while also allowing our clients to meet their needs for updated and modernized educational facilities. Such facilities are often treated as “conditional uses” in local zoning regulations, and therefore a key aspect of our legal assistance is working with clients and planning staff to craft appropriate and reasonable permit conditions. For larger institutions, such as universities and colleges, we assist our clients with longer-term master plans and campus site plans that provide a blueprint for future development or expansion.
Representative Experience
University of Washington Master Plans
- Served as land use counsel to the University of Washington in the creation, development, and approval (by the Seattle City Council and Board of Regents) of its historic and current master plans for its Seattle Campus.
Seattle Preparatory Academy Expansion
University Prep Expansion
Seattle Waldorf School Expansion
Bush School Expansion
Spring Education Group
Epiphany School