999 3rd Ave, #4600
Seattle, WA 98104
- Primary: 206.623.1745
- Fax: 206.623.7789
- General Inquiries: info@hcmp.com

Office Hours
Our regular office hours are 8:00am - 5:30pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. You can telephone our office at any time and leave a voice mail message. Instructions for leaving an after-hours voice mail message will be given when you call. Of course, you can send a general email message (info@hcmp.com), or email an individual directly (see Attorneys, Paralegals or Professional Staff).
HCMP is located in downtown Seattle on the 46th and 45th floors of the DocuSign Building, 999 Third Avenue. The reception area is on the 46th floor.

W-9 Information
Click here to access our W-9.