
Legal Resources

Update on the Wilburton Vision Implementation

The proposed Code contemplates significant zoning changes, including increases in height and FAR to allow high rise development. Continue Reading »

New Law Removes the Notarization Requirement for Commercial Leases

Washington to no longer require acknowledgment, witnesses, or seals for leases of any duration. Continue Reading »

HCMP Client Update: New Law Creates Leasehold Excise Tax Exemption for Affordable Housing

Washington Legislature has approved a tax break for affordable housing built on state land. Continue Reading »

Employee Noncompetes Banned Nationwide (For Now)

United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC), by a 3-2 margin, voted to ban nearly all employee noncompetes. Continue Reading »

Corporate Transparency Act Takes Effect

On January 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act took effect and, among other things, requires most new entities to submit additional filings to federal regulators. Continue Reading »

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