Michael Scott, chair of HCMP’s Litigation group and lead attorney for the plaintiffs in Ingersoll v. Arlene’s Flowers, where a Richland florist was alleged to have violated the state’s anti-discrimination and consumer protection laws when she refused to sell flowers to a gay couple for their wedding, is featured in this week’s Puget Sound Business Journal. Scott and a team of HCMP lawyers have represented the plaintiffs on a pro bono basis since initially suing florist, Barronelle Stutzman, in 2013, and then in the subsequent appeal Stutzman filed when the plaintiffs prevailed. Recently, the Washington Supreme Court unanimously ruled 9-0 in the plaintiffs’ favor, and Stutzman now plans to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. In the PSBJ article (subscription required), Mike discusses the case and the likelihood it will be picked up to be heard by the Supreme Court.

HCMP Attorney Michael Scott Featured in Puget Sound Business Journal
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